Fashion Frenzy Vol.2 (Art for any day of the week..)

November 5, 2018
Here are the final two pieces of my movie collection, inspired by the movies Jaws and Pretty and Pink.
The first dress is inspired by Pretty in Pink, the 80’s classic directed by the infamous John Hughes. The movie came out in 1986 and features Molly Ringwald, Andrew McCarthy, and Jon Cryer. In the movie, Andie, one of the more unpopular girls in school, falls for new popular boy Blaine, but she must make a choice between her friends or the boy she likes. This movie has such a dedicated story plot and is such a great rom-com. I based my design off of Andie’s prom dress, but I modernized it too have sparkles and lace. The only thing that I added just to keep touch to the character was the shoes, so they are inspired by the 60’s and 70’s era with natural elements.
The second dress inspired by the movie Jaws. The 1975 summer flick features Lorraine Gary, Robert Shaw, and Jeffrey Kramer as a marine biologist, a town sheriff, and a sailor try to hunt a shark that is attacking a local town. My inspiration for this dress was a shark jumping out of the water and semi-swallowed a human. The dress is made out of leather and the “water” is made out of blue silk fabric. The shoes are beach-themed, with 60’s themes with a trickle of blood.
(Keep paying attention to Fashion Frenzy for more interesting art)