Port Projector: Chilling adventures of Sabrina: S1E2 “The Dark Baptism”
November 19, 2018
(Spoilers Ahead!)
Here is another review for Chilling Adventures of Sabrina on Netflix! In the second episode, we meet Father Blackwood, a priest for the Church of Night, answering all of Sabrina’s questions for the Book of the Beast. The episode goes on for the next two days, until her baptism. The biggest choice Sabrina has to make keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats.
Here are some things I liked about the episode….

– The extremely awesome feminist moment with Sabrina and the weird sisters plus the jocks- it was so great! But when Sabrina also started to get into the fun, I got a little upset just because of Harvey. But when I noticed it was a spell, I was totally ok with it.
-Harvey and Sabrina continue to amaze us with their cuteness. The top two awesome moments of the episode was when Harvey noticed Sabrina in her mother’s wedding dress and when they had that cute moment on Harvey’s stoop.
-WICCA is a new club/plot line that is starting up in this episode. I am super excited to see what this club will add to the show’s plotline.
-Sabrina finally makes her choice, and when she does, it’s so good! She is so strong and confident, which I love during this moment.
– The end of the episode was so good, with the dark lord taking over Principal Hawthorne’s Body. It was kinda scary but super cool at the same time.
Here is some things I didn’t like…
-Father Blackwood just lies to Sabrina about the Book of the Beast stating that she has some free will, and then says the complete opposite at her baptism. That’s not really fair! It’s like cheating the system.
-Possible questions about Aunt Zelda’s baptism? She was very hesitant about mentioning her baptism and the burning forest. Did she not want to become a witch?
-Aunt Zelda kills Aunt Hilda regarding the conversation with Sabrina…feel like this has something to do with Father Blackwood? Do they have some sort of deal? But it is really cool how Hilda rose from the dead.