Club RePORT: Italian Club

Photo Credit: BestAnimations
November 19, 2018
Advisor: Signora Cunningham (Ms. Cunningham)
Meetings: Day of the week varies; Italian Club wants to draw in as many members as possible, realizing that in order to do this, different meeting dates are best. Therefore the club meets Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays (Students interested can pick up a schedule from Signora Cunningham.
Time: Regular meetings usually begin at 3:00, officially ending around 4:00-4:15. Members can come when they like, also leaving as they need. An Italian Club meeting can be recognized by the groups of people always coming in and out of the room. The Italian Club also runs special meetings, more like events, where members bake and cook Italian food in the World Language Resource Room kitchen, run bake sales in the commons, and eat from the giant buffet at the Cheese and Chocolate Festivals. Additionally, on Saturday, December 1, 2018 the Italian Club,will be participating in the annual Language Club New York City trip.
Place: H105. Depending on the event, the location may change to the World Language Resource Room Kitchen, the front courtyard, the Commons etc.
Important Note: Members of Italian Club pay dues of $10 at the beginning of the year.. The $10 fee covers the food expenses for the entire year, including the two buffet-style festivals, except for the food on the NYC trip. Those who aren’t members have to pay $2 if they come to a meeting where food is being served
Ciao ciao! Parli italiano? Ti piace mangiare il bel cibo? Then the Italian Club is the right place for you! Don’t understand the above sentences? That’s okay! The Italian Club welcomes all students, regardless of the language they take or their linguistic skill.
Headed by advisor Signora Cunningham, the club meets various days of the week, sometimes Monday, sometimes Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and even Friday. This way everyone can make at least some of the meetings. At the regular meetings, which usually run from 3:00-4:15, Signora Cunningham chooses an Italian cultural activity to explore, while also eating something Italian, including pizza, biscotti, gelato, and pasta. Special events can include bake sales to raise money for the New York City trip, but also holiday parties and the famous Cheese and Chocolate Festivals. At the Cheese Festival, members of the Spanish, French, and Italian clubs (and non members who pay a $2 admission fee) have access to a buffet of cheeses, grapes, and other small appetizer type foods, from Spain, France, and Italy. The same goes for the Chocolate Festival, except this time, of course, it’s chocolates, however the ever-popular churro also makes an appearance.
The biggest event is the annual trip to New York City with the Spanish and French clubs. The three clubs take the train in, and usually they go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and see the Christmas Tree. However this year, the destination is being rethought to include “holiday sightseeing” in the city. Afterwards, everyone makes their way down to Little Italy for lunch, dessert, and shopping, before boarding the train home.