The Top News Stories of 2018!
December 24, 2018
This has been a particularly eventful year for news stories. There are many headlines to talk about, so without further ado, let’s begin. Please keep in mind this is not a comprehensive list.
The Facebook Cambridge Analytica Breach
The Cambridge Analytica firm, under the employ of the Trump campaign, managed to gain access to private information on more than 50 million Facebook users, with the express intent of targeting voters of a certain mindset and targeting them with ads. This accessed information includes user identities, likes, friend networks, and location. Cambridge Analytica has said that no passwords were stolen, but many users feel betrayed as they were said the data was for academic uses. This has reflected badly upon Trump, called Facebook’s protection of its user’s data into serious question. Facebook has stated that what was done was not a breach, as users consented, but the data was not supposed to be sold to private vendors.
The Daring Rescue of a Soccer Team from a Cave in Thailand

Twelve junior soccer players and their coach were trapped in a cave by a monsoon. A short, post-game excursion was turned into a harrowing experience: a week’s long rescue attempt to get them out of the cave. The challenges were great, the kids having to be taught how to scuba dive through the tight passages of the cave, and some of the water being pumped out to lower the water level, and the death of one fully-trained diver.
But thankfully, the boys, none of whom could swim, made it out alive.
The End of Net Neutrality Laws
Chairman Ajit Pai of the Federal Communications Commission has succeeded in rolling back net neutrality laws on a national scale. This means internet providers are free to make users pay to access specific content while under their service. Democrats are currently attempting to reinstate it, but their bill is short of votes. This event will most likely have far-reaching consequences in our future.
The Mueller Investigation

Well, this had to show up sometime.
Special Prosecutor Robert Muller’s investigation into collusion with Russia during his campaign. Mueller has indicted many involved with the campaign, such as George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, and Michael Flynn. The investigation seems to be in its later phases, and the country waits anxiously to see what was found.
Democrats Take Back the House
The midterm elections saw an upheaval as Democrats won back the majority in the house of representatives. This also led to Nancy Pelosi being nominated by House Democrats to be the speaker of the house, and won, running unopposed. She takes her seat in 2019.
2018 Winter Olympics

This year saw the Winter Olympics take place in Pyeongchang, South Korea. The United States had the fourth most of every type of medal, with Norway winning it big with 14 gold medals and 39 total.
The Parkland School Shooting

This tragic shooting saw 17 casualties and 17 wounded. The Parkland survivors are determined to keep the memory of the fallen alive and demanding stricter gun control laws. This has also sparked much debate in many districts, our own included, about arming school guards.
Brett Kavanagh Hearing

When Anthony Kennedy stepped down as a supreme court justice, President Trump got his second supreme court pick. Brett Kavanagh was nominated, but Professor Christine Blasey Ford came out with allegations of sexual harassment. A Senate hearing was had, and Kavanagh was ultimately elected a Supreme Court Justice.
Anything we missed? Feel free to comment. That’s why we have them!