EA Has Chance to Redeem Its Reputation With “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order”
November 13, 2019
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is only a few days away from release and it would be an understatement to say I’m excited. It’s the first major single-player story-focused Star Wars game since Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, which came out in 2010. In 2013, Electronic Arts, more commonly known as EA, signed a deal with Disney that gave them the exclusive rights to create Star Wars video games for a long time.
The most popular games that EA has released are Star Wars: Battlefront, Star Wars, Star Wars Battlefront II, and now, Fallen Order. If you’re not into Star Wars fandom, chances are you don’t know much about the failure of both Battlefront and Battlefront II. Battlefront flopped because it lacked a single-player campaign, creative single-player game modes, a number of iconic maps, and had a bad control system in general. Two years later, Battlefront II remedied all of these issues, however, the game failed to deliver a unique story mode and was plagued with pay-to-win mechanics at the start of the game. To sum it up, both of these games were disasters that seemed stunning.
Nearly two years after Battlefront 2 came out, EA has created a new game: Jedi: Fallen Order. Interestingly, the game wasn’t advertised that much, but has still caught people’s attention, garnering over 14 million views on its trailer. There was little, if not no, gameplay footage in the first trailer, but on June 8, EA released an official gameplay demo, showing off the game.
The lightsaber combat seen in the demo is almost cinematic, unlike BFII, which just had players “flailing” at their enemies, hoping to get a hit on them. In this game, the attacks appear to be much more brutal than anything we’ve seen in a game since The Force Unleashed series. The game appears stunning in general.

If EA wants to fix its reputation, it needs this game to work. EA not only has to appease the Star Wars fans who have been angry at the company since 2015, but reassure other fans who are concerned about future EA games. Of course, since it was developed by EA, the game will most likely lack in areas like writing and story creativity. After all, this game is set in between Episodes 3 and 4, the same time the Force Unleashed games and Battlefront II take place. Hopefully, EA knows what they’re doing this time. They’ve had four years to correct their mistakes.