What’s The Hype About The Tiger Marching Band?
As a student in the smaller percentage of my peers and upperclassmen that are not in Northport High School’s Tiger Marching Band, I have often wondered, what’s all the buzz about this organization? Why join, and at that, why stay?
January 21, 2022
As a student in the smaller percentage of my peers and upperclassmen that are not in Northport High School’s Tiger Marching Band, I have often wondered, what’s all the buzz about this organization? Why join, and at that, why stay?
We all know how serious and, at times, challenging the Marching Band can be, so I asked some of my musical peers for their reasoning of the following: “Why did you join the Band, and what made you stay?”
I started by asking my peers in the freshman class. Freshman Maggie Coats said that she joined the Band “because of the community.” Maggie went on to say how she was not disappointed at all with the people she met and the friends she made.
She stayed because of her friends and the excitement of being a part of something fun and exciting.
My second freshman class interviewee requested to stay anonymous, though they said that a love for their instrument prompted them to join. They joined, excited for the chance to learn and stayed for that very same reason, as well as the friends they made along the way.
Next up came the sophomores and juniors. I talked with one sophomore, who asked to stay anonymous; they gave me a very short but sweet explanation to my prompt: “I don’t really have any great reasons for being in the Band. Besides, it’s fun, and I get to hang out with my friends a lot because of it.”
Isabel Zulawski, a junior, said that she joined the Band because those in it told her the experience would be fun and she wanted to give it a try. She decided to stay because of the experiences and memories she now shares with new and old friends alike. (I think I’m starting to see a pattern here…).
Last but not least, the seniors. Michael Monda, a four-year member of the Marching Band, began by explaining that he does not remember why he initially joined. He is, however, certain he stayed for the people he got to be around.
“I feel that the most rewarding and unique part of the experience was coming together to make something with other people, and sticking together with them through all the long days and sleepless nights.”
He goes on to say how, in his senior year, he has become more invested in his instrument (the trombone) than ever, and that he looks to continue playing in college in search of many of the same personal relationships the Marching band provided him.
Throughout this experience, I have learned a lot about the appeal of the Tiger Marching Band.
I always thought of the organization as something my peers joined for credits or because their parents forced them to; for some, that may be the case, but I can now see that, for most, it is a social platform and a place that they can turn for friends or a release of creativity or passion for their instrument.
While I will probably not be joining the Band anytime soon, I did, however, get an insightful look into the reasoning and explanation for the perennial hype around the Tiger Marching Band.