How To Prepare For Upcoming Finals and Regents
Many people are currently stressing out about finals and regents. Here are some of the things that you can do to come out on top of all these tests.
May 5, 2022
Many people are currently stressing out about finals and regents. What are some ways you can reduce stress and study at the same time? Here are some of the things that you can do to come out on top of all these tests.
Stay Organized
One of the biggest ways to be stress free during an onslaught of testing is to stay organized.
You can stay organized by making a plan on what you will study day-by-day. Making an organized plan involves going through specific chapters of content which you are struggling with, and then reviewing what you studied the next day so you can hold onto the information you learned.
Clean Up Your Work Space
Another way to stay organized is to clean up and sort out your work space.
By doing this, you can stay focused each time you sit down to study. Unsure of how to achieve this: Start with clearing your work space by putting your phone in another room. A ringing phone is a constant distraction to the student; if it’s out of sight, it is out of mind. Distraction is one of the biggest reasons people lose focus, so staying organized is very, very important.
Get A Good Night’s Sleep
One of the most beneficial ways to relieve stress is to get a good night’s sleep.
Even before you set a schedule for your next day of vigorous studying, getting a good night’s sleep is absolutely crucial. Sleep helps improve cognition—meaning better memory and retention of information—and your own mental health. No successful studying can be accomplished without this prior step.
All of these may not work for you, but experimentation is always helpful. Find out what works best for you, and stick to that. Hopefully it will improve your work ethnic and confidence along the way.