A Look Into The Candidates For 2023 Class President
A senior class president race that has seen avid campaigning and wonderful platforms is finally coming to a close on June 8. Prior to this, I sat down with notable frontrunners Maeve Carroll and Ava Mir to learn more about their campaigns for this coveted seat.
June 7, 2022
A senior class president race that has seen avid campaigning and wonderful platforms is finally coming to a close on June 8. Prior to this, I sat down with notable frontrunners Maeve Carroll and Ava Mir to learn more about their campaigns for this coveted seat.
What motivated you to run for class president?
Maeve: Well, we’ve had a student council body for the last three years and while it’s been good, I think we can do so much more. We have so much potential as a class for so many more memorable moments and activities that we could do like fundraisers to pay for t-shirts. We deserve more after Covid-19 and we have barely known high school without it. I have so many ideas for things we can do to generate school spirit and make next year super memorable. Our senior year needs to go out with a bang.
Ava: I think that coming out of Covid-19 years, we went through it, it was tough, but now it’s really time to get together and get things done. There are a lot of issues obviously, even societal issues like gun control and other topics that have arisen that as a community and as seniors will get to take action against and make things happen. We also need to have fun, it’s our senior year and like the movies we need to live our best lives and make it count. I have the experience to make it happen and I am part of lots of different groups that I can bring together.
Some have complained about a lack of school spirit this year, how would you remedy that for next year as class president?
Maeve: Honestly, I would start with a homecoming parade where every grade creates a float. This would be a great way to meet new people and showcase all the amazing artistic talent out there on a float, let people show off to their friends. I want to see a coordinated student section that would be run by leaders from all four grades so we could increase student presence at all of our sporting events. We deserve more.
Ava: I think the most important thing is student engagement while also having events that kids want to be a part of. Putting out surveys so that kids can choose what events are happening and empowering everyone so they have a say. I think having events that kids want to be engaged in would help. More volunteer opportunities to work outside the community, especially working with little kids because I think connecting with youth is really important. I’d even love to connect with freshmen, possibly starting a senior-freshman buddy and mentorship program. I want there to be activities that all students want to be a part of, not just the senior class.
You are both two sport varsity athletes, how would this impact your approach with sports games next year?
Maeve: As an athlete, I know how important it is to just have people in the stands cheering for you. It can change a game’s outcome by having that support behind you and knowing you have that support. As class president, I would coordinate for groups to attend with themes like a white-out. However, it would not just be announced on a Snapchat story the day before the game, there would be posters and school-wide announcements. Some kids have tried to do it, I recognize that people have tried to do it, but we just need to make it more widespread and increase the visibility.
Ava: Sports are an integral part of the Northport community, I am on the varsity soccer team and varsity badminton team, but I do think as sports are a big part of the community, music is just as big a part of the community. I want to bring music and sports together, making our pep rally more evident and increasing school spirit. I am the drum major of the band and I know where music and sports overlap, we need to unite the athletes and the musicians to unite the community in that sense. I want it to be where everyone comes together to make something great and make our sporting events more evident and something that brings together our community.
What are some ideas that are driving your campaign?
Maeve: I’d like to have a bigger presence as a senior class in Battle of the Classes next year, making sure it’s a time and day available for as many seniors as possible, and adding increased preparation so we can try to win. I definitely want the time to be something later in the day where no athletes need to sacrifice the experience due to having a practice or a game. Additionally, I’d like to have almost monthly fundraising specifically for our senior class’ prom. The price per ticket is over $100 right now and if our class had more money raised, I’d like to try to lessen these almost egregious fees needed to go to prom. Especially considering how this price doesn’t include clothing, transportation, pre-prom, or any after-prom parties. If we had a student committee dedicated to fundraising, something I would like to create and help manage, I think we could get the costs down significantly.
Ava: Something that’s really important is mental health. The counseling department, who are amazing, have campaigned recently for greater mental health advocacy. My mom is a school psychologist and my dad is a social worker. Having those mental health advocates in the family has really inspired me to take change in that sense, kids need a break and time to take for themselves, time to have fun and to live like teens should. I’m in the IB diploma program, I know how rigorous junior year has been, and I think we all need to take a breather. That’s the biggest thing I’d focus on as class president. I also want to have a “thrift day” where we come together and put out all our donated clothes as a class and we can line them up in front of the school. We can thrift, go through clothes, and make it open to the entire community. I want to see more fundraising and I know what it takes to fundraise. I want to see senior sunrises and senior sunsets. I also want to make commitment day into commitment week and add projector movie nights.
Do you have any last comments about your platform?
Maeve: I love Northport High School and I want to make this school the best version of itself possible. I would ensure this by having so much school spirit it comes out our butt. Be brave and vote Maeve!
Ava: The key words of my campaign are: empower, advocacy, and engagement. I want to make sure every voice is heard as cliche as that might sound, but truly we are going to be seniors so lets make the last one count. Voting for me, mental health will come first, you will come first, and your voice will be heard!
Liam • Jun 9, 2022 at 8:09 am
Good luck to Maeve