Argylle is a recently released movie with some pretty famous people; Dua Lipa, Henry Cavill and John Cena to name a few. You’d think with a star-studded cast like this movie would be worth the watch, but I beg to differ.
Argylle is an action comedy in which Elly Conway, a famous espionage writer whose stories are about a suave spy named Argylle trying to find proof of corruption within a directorate. When her story begins to reflect real life, the line between fiction and reality begins to blur. Sounds pretty good, right? I thought so too.
(SPOILER WARNINGS!) But as the story develops it gets more and more crazy. Although I didn’t enjoy the movie, let’s talk about the positives first; what makes it worth the watch. When it’s first revealed that her stories were true, with Sam Rockwell’s character, Aidan, coming out of nowhere and casually explaining the situation, I was pretty into it. I was thinking that this is all actually pretty cute.
On the other hand, there are twelve million plot twists which gets a little too much. When the first true plot twist came, thet Elly’s parents aren’t actually her parents, it felt pretty insane. But in retrospect, I guess this is a fine twist compared to others.
As it turns out, Elly Conway is the real-life Argylle and her real name is Rachel Kylle. Agent R Kylle… Argylle…. You get it? Now this I thought was a good twist. Makes everything make sense. I mean, I definitely didn’t see it coming and it overall explains how she knows all that she knows without going into her being some insane psychic which I can appreciate.
When there was YET ANOTHER PLOT TWIST is when things got a little too much for me. As it turns out Elly/Agent R Kylle was a part of the evil spy organization the whole time and was a double agent for both causes. When she shoots Aidan, her love interest, I was pretty shocked.
Though it went straight past his heart, I just couldn’t believe that he still didn’t bleed out or worse. Then they reused that all over again. I found it too crazy.
Later in the movie, as Elly tries to send the file out to another trusted agent that could be used against the evil discorate is stopped so many times it actually was frustrating. First, she was blocked by a PASSWORD in the computer room. Then in ANOTHER computer room there was an eye scanner thing in which Elly’s cat scratched the bad guy’s eyes out killing him- so they couldn’t use that. AND THENNN at the top of that the boat they were on finally found a place to upload the master file.
But then a music box brainwashes her into attacking Aidan. IT WAS JUST SOOO LONG AT THIS POINT. It got me so antsy to get out of there. In between all of these failures to send the master file- there were insane dance sequences and an ice skating scene that had me thinking What am I watching?
As it finally faded out I was satisfied with it finally being over, of course ending with the book showing of the last Argylle book. But THEN suddenly Henry Cavill stands up as Argylle and asks “You might have some questions for me.”
You can not understand how insanely frustrating that ending was. I mean we just spent 2 hours learning that Argylle is purely a fictional character that was used to represent Elly’s real identity as Agent R Kylle. So when it was revealed that he was indeed real- I was so confused.
Then they delved further into this with an end-credit scene showing a younger Argylle played by Louis Partridge where it was revealed that his full name is Aubrey Argylle. He was shown entering a bar called Kingsman; apparently referencing the movie director Vaughn’s past works.
Now is this supposed to be a hint that Aubrey Argylle is a part of the Kingsman universe. But then, multiple actors in the movie who have played in the Kingsman universe aren’t the same characters and are dead. This adds to more and more of the confusion. Are they creating a prequel or was the movie we just watched a prequel??? After researching and reading many articles and watching videos, it seems as if NO ONE KNOWS what the ending means. It seems everyone is just as confused.
Overall, do I recommend this movie? The answer is NO! Though my mother did seem to really enjoy it despite the whole insane plot twists, she agreed it just kept going too long.