Everyone knows that French fries are the household favorite snack and have only increased in popularity, with conversations about French fries rising by about 6 percent. This article discusses the best fries, toppings, and highly controversial subjects.
One thing about French fries that makes them unique is their shape. Many people worldwide argue over the best shape of French fries, which vary from curly to crinkle to wedge and waffle. Although people argue about this predicament, they can all agree that fries are the number one snack overall. I completed a bracket on the best French fry shape according to me. The tournament included crinkle-cut, shoelace, sweet potato, steak, curly, waffle, tater tots, and truffle. In the first round was crinkle cut vs. shoelace, and crinkle cut moved on. Then sweet potato fries vs. steak fries. Sweet potato fries won this matchup. Tater tots and truffle fries squared off next. Truffle fries won. Next, we had waffle fries vs. curly fries, and waffle fries won the matchup. Onto the semifinals: we had crinkle-cut fries vs. sweet potato fries, and a hot take here is that crinkle-cut fries move on. Next in the semifinals, truffle fries vs. waffle fries, and waffle fries advance to the finals. Then, finally, in the long-anticipated final matchup, crinkle-cut fries vs. waffle fries, waffle fries are voted the best fry out of the eight.
Well, then there is the highly controversial subject: Are tater tots considered fries? In my opinion, tater tots are not considered fries. Tater tots are potatoes chopped into tiny bits, which makes a different consistency than is in fries. So in the end, I can’t rely on Tater tots to be called a fry.
One more controversial subject is the best fry topping. The toppings that get the most recognition are ketchup, cheese sauce, Chick-fil-A sauce, and barbeque sauce. Based on numbers, the best topping is ketchup, but in my opinion, cheese sauce is underappreciated and is my personal favorite. Cheese sauce’s soft feel on the tongue gives it a nice texture.