Port Perspective: Lockdown

Emma Canfora, Contributor

Photo Credit: ABC 3340

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this article are not the views of Northport High School, or the Port Press. The articles only represent the opinions of their authors


Right now, I am sitting in the faculty cafeteria in the dark silence because Mitch McConnell cares more about his job than he does about students. He cares more about the Koch brothers than about your siblings. He cares more about an amendment made before there were streetlights, let alone machine guns, than he does about the lives of children. The same goes to Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and the collective of legislative cowards that is the GOP. Right now, I don’t know if I’m going to die or if I’m going to third period because Oliver North has more power over our government than we do.


Recently, someone told me banning guns because they kill is like banning spoons because people eat with them and get fat. It is inconceivable to me that someone could think that. Your right to hunt is less important than mine to breathe.


We are in lockdown, which means we sit in the dark while people rattle our doors. This time it is a security guard and next time it’s a psychopath who legally obtained a weapon. This weapon isn’t made for hunting, no one hunts with this. This is a weapon made for the purpose of killing people. And the argument that we need them in case the government becomes corrupt and citizens need to take over is ridiculous, because no matter how big your gun is, it’s not taking out a tank.


So spare me, please, your whining about what the founding fathers would have wanted because it would have been impossible for them to imagine the world we live in today. I’m sick of pretending we are on equal moral ground.


If guns are so ingrained in your culture that you cannot live without them, please re-examine the way you live.

I wrote this in fifteen minutes with no editing, so I’m sure it is an incoherent rambling with no clear track. But this is how it is in the moment. It’s scary and confusing and anxiety inducing.