TV RePORT: Riverdale Flashback Episode

(spoilers ahead)

Photo Credit:

Grace Reuschle, Contributor

“The Midnight Club”

**(spoilers ahead)**

Admit it, we’ve all been waiting for this episode of Riverdale. At the end of the last episode, we saw that everyone had gotten the Gryphons and Gargoyles handbooks, which led up to Betty asking her mom about the game.


Photo Credit: Tvline



Here are some things I think they did an amazing job on:


-First off, I have to say how creative the idea of using the main characters to play their parents is.
-The opening to the flashback was perfect.
-When Alice smiled as she was about to get into a fight, I thought that was a good representation of her character back then.
-That Heathers reference made my year.
-Penelope’s backstory is surprisingly interesting and I hope we get more insight into her character.

-Alice and Fred’s bonding was a scene I didn’t know I needed.

-The group name, “The Midnight Club” is a knockoff of The Breakfast Club but for some reason I really like it.
-I think the moment where they were all going insane was flawlessly executed.
-Not mentioning the beautiful costume design would be a shame because they were very stunning.
-The song “Tears for Fears” is a perfect song for the ending of the flashback.


Photo Credit: Tvline

Riverdale may be well made but it still has its faults:

-Every episode I have a love-hate relationship with something and this time it was the title card.
-I didn’t like that mayor line with Fred and Sierra it just felt like forced foreshadowing we already knew.
-The Hermione and FP almost kiss were very random especially when you know he’s into Alice.
-Why was everyone wearing almost the same outfits every day?
-If they weren’t all on drugs, would the principal still have died because they would have noticed him?
-How did all that writing get on the wall and no one notice it?
-No matter how creepy they try to make him, the Gargoyle King just looks fake.
-I hate the end of the episode where Jughead has gone crazy and the camera tilt was just trying to create an effect which it failed on.


Photo Credit: Decider

To sum this episode up, Riverdale has done it again by creating new ideas as well as executing them perfectly. But, I think the show could improve on keeping things realistic. If you haven’t already watched this episode you should!