Deadly Rat Poison Found In Northport Park

Recently there were traces of dangerous rat poison found in Northport Harbor Park.

News 12 New Jersey

Recently there were traces of dangerous rat poison found in Northport Harbor Park.

Lindsay Connolly, Freelancer

Recently there were traces of dangerous rat poison found in Northport Harbor Park. Near the playground and busy walkways there were holes between the water and the grass where rat poison was being put in. 

A concerned Northport resident talked with the contractors that were putting the pesticide in, and when she found out what was being used she immediately contacted the Department of Environmental Conservation

The rat poison found by the harbor was a rodenticide dust called Ditrac, which is illegal and highly dangerous to animals and people. This is extremely dangerous for a popular place like Northport Harbor where lots of people walk with their pets and many young children play. This pesticide is also hazardous to a large number of animals such as birds and fish. 

I talked to a concerned Northport dog-owner, who said, “Not only are these chemicals harmful and potentially deadly to the animals that come into direct contact with it, it’s also dangerous for the animals that might eat these poisoned rats or animals.”

According to Bell Laboratories, Ditrac collects onto the fur or skin, which is ingested when the animal grooms. The powder doesn’t dissolve in water which makes it difficult to get rid of and the effects stay for longer. 

The most important thing to keep in mind is that Ditrac is meant for indoor use only so using it in a public park is extremely dangerous. The powder also should not be in a place where it could be blown away, which is a concern due to the breeziness of Northport. 

Another Northport resident says, “It’s terrible, trying to get rid of one thing (rats) but causing even more problems such as killing other wildlife such as owls, hawks, etc. some of which are protected species.”

When the DEC was contacted on Monday, February 27th they performed an investigation immediately. The rat poison found was being put in by a contractor hired by the Village Of Northport. 

The DEC Police ordered the contractor to remove the poison and soil surrounding the area. The contractor was also fined. To the disappointment of residents, Northport village says that they will continue to use the contractor regardless of the incident.