Friendship Ball: A Blast For All


Meadow Moscarelli

Buddy Club hosted a Friendship Ball on April 21st for students, friends, and families from 21 different high schools to have their own Buddy Prom experience right here in Northport High School’s commons.

Meadow Moscarelli, Freelancer

The end of the school year brings about many fun events. Buddy Club hosted a Friendship Ball on April 21st for students, friends, and families from 21 different high schools to have their own Buddy Prom experience right here in Northport High School’s commons.

This special event took a lot of hard work to set up the luminescent decorations. Northport’s Honor Society did an amazing job of hanging up stars, setting the tables with balloons, glittering the tables, distributing glow sticks, and conversing with the Buddies. 

Out of the 21 districts, Northport was proudly nominated and selected for the host. The Friendship Ball included 490 students and their company from across Long Island, transported by buses. 

We had a great music selection from the DJ, as well as many other activities such as our “sensory room”, where students could go to get away from the loud music and relax with Connect Four, Jenga, and many other games! 

The dance room was right in our very own large cafeteria, where we had gold carpets for the students to walk across and a New York City skyline cutout that livened up the night.

After some pizza and fries, Buddies took pictures by the photo booth in the sophomore well. They were also able to take pictures in front of the massive walk-through holographic star our janitors set up.

We even got a special feature on News 12, who stopped by and interviewed some of the students while getting some great footage of all the dancing.



Many new friends were made that night. Some Buddies shared candies and drawings while others were more comfortable busting a move in the dance circle. 

Regardless of our differences, everyone had a great time and Northport is glad to have been able to represent such a huge event that brought people together.