Anonymous Political Contributor

Anonymous, Political Contributor

Since time immemorial, marriage has been between a man and a woman. This institution has provided the single best foundation for producing and raising children and that is the reason it is practiced near universally around the world. Now I would like to address the two most prevalent misconceptions about opposition to gay marriage. Firstly, it is not a purely religious argument, I am highly opposed to the legalization of gay marriage but I am also an atheist. Secondly, among those who oppose gay marriage, most do not hate people for being gay, we just do not agree with gay marriage. The left would like you to believe that these two things are the same, when in fact they are two very different things.


The first issue with gay marriages is how it impacts children. Obviously no children will be born from the two parents in a homosexual relationship, and studies have shown that children crave their biological parents. In a homosexual relationship,  that will never happen, so the kids are starting in a bad spot. Even after that, different studies have shown that both boys and girls do best when they have both male and female role models in the home. Gay marriage means the children will be denied one or the other, worsening the children’s childhood development, arguably the most important stage in their life. I would highly recommend this article from the Family Research Council, particularly points 1-3 which elaborate on gay marriages impact on children.


The second reason I oppose gay marriage is out of respect both for those who are religious, and the culture in the West that has developed from Judeo-Christianity. Religion has been a core foundation of Western Society for at least three millennia, and in particular Judeo-Christian principles still form the basis of our morals; for example, don’t steal, murder or lie. Because of this, I hold a deep respect for Judeo-Christianity and don’t feel the need to insult their faith nor its followers despite my personal beliefs. Therefore, I oppose gay marriage because it spits in the face of Judeo-Christianity, the faith of my forefathers and in all likelihood your forefathers as well. And for most moderates in this regard, simply not calling it marriage would be satisfactory for them, because according to their religious beliefs marriage is between a man and a woman, but they don’t hate gay people and don’t want to deny them rights. They only want to protect their beliefs. The fact then that those on the left are unwilling to compromise and call it a legal partnership or any other term shows that they want it called gay marriage as an insult to religious people.


The third reason I oppose gay marriage is to where it leads. First, marriage was between a male and female for reproductive purpose and then to raise those children. Once that is disregarded, as it is with gay marriage, where will that lead? What’s next, marriage between humans and animals between children? If it is not about children, then why won’t outcast groups who support those sick ideas argue that by the same logic through which gay marriage was approved their sick perversions should be sound grounds for marriage. If there’s even a chance that this is where gay marriage will lead, then I must oppose it from a moral standpoint.


I understand that most of you who have read this probably support gay marriage. While I can understand why, and good arguments have been made in defense of it, these are the reasons I and many others oppose it. And I hope that I showed you the other side of the argument today, and even if I didn’t change your mind that you have gained a new understanding of the other side, that we are not a hateful, spiteful group but rather just those who have examined the facts and looked at our traditions and considered them invaluable and worth protecting.